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A Peaceful, Lawful Method of Alternative Conflict Resolution and Dispute Prevention

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The World Wide Web is a new way to help enliven truth and justice for all.  It is the easiest and most pervasive way to promulgate and promote beneficial new ideas for our society.

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech. Founding Fathers, such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, may not have predicted the Internet, but they correctly predicted the need for news and information to be unencumbered, for our country to grow strong through the centuries. The freedom to point out injustices and inefficiencies to the public is essential for the improvement of society.  The power of the press, and the internet, serves as another branch to ensure the blessings of liberty.  Freedom of speech has helped our country rid itself of corruption in all branches of government, and to recognize otherwise unknown heroes.

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The United States of America attracts free thinkers from around the world. This is because of the laws protecting freedom of thought, pioneered by our country. Free thinkers tend to "think outside the box" - to be creative and intelligent. Inventors such as Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell, Albert Einstein, Robert H. Goddard, Wernher Von Braun, Jonas Salk, John Hagelin, Lawrence Farwell, and Steve Wozniac helped our economy become strong. This helps our military become the strongest. This in turn helps the U.S. enforce justice and bring freedom to the world. Freedom begets freedom.

The Web is Mightier than the Sword

The world wide web has been helping promote justice through such sites as the FBI's 10 Most Wanted, Missing Children, Unsolved Murders, and Consumer Fraud. Never before, could more people assist our law enforcement officials in solving these cases and problems. The web helps solve and prevent crime.  We applaud the services such as RapSheets.com
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Never before has freedom of speech been so free. In this new age of the web, citizens now have the ability to reach thousands of people and address grievances for virtually no cost.  If "the pen is mightier than the sword" the computer keyboard is a cruise missile. Brains triumph over brawn, with far less effort. Most injustices occur when a perpetrator thinks no one will find out about it.  The cloak of night is over, and it is now a new day.

A New Prevention Oriented Concept in Law Enforcement

WebSiteJustice.com is on the same side as the departments of justice and law enforcement. The computer is a new crime fighter, public defender, and conflict preventer.  The web is the best way to point out fraud and abuse - and avert it. An educated public is the best defense.  Public knowledge, through web sites, create an additional incentive to change from adverse behavior. The vedas say "Hayam Dukam Anagatam" which means "Avert the trouble before it arises." With more instant access to information, and web cams, people will naturally be kinder towards each other, and the world will be a more peaceful place in which to live.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The ability for people to make web sites has a preventive effect on wrongful treatment of others. If people know that a web site can be created within days, and listed on the major search engines, telling everyone about an injustice, people will naturally be kinder towards each other. They know, in the back of their minds, that a web site could easily be made about any wrong behavior, and that a lot of people would soon know about it.

Our Policies and Recommendations

Freedom of Expression for All

With liberty, comes justice for all.  As this site may involve someone's name or organization, we respect that.  So in the interest of justice, they must be offered the opportunity to add, change, or delete information as they feel appropriate. We suggest all sites be open to posting evidence or corroboratory testimony for changes or deletions. One-way criticism only creates negative feelings, not positive change. Subjects of the site should at least be able to add anything they wish. Subjects should be entitled a visible link on the site to a site of their choosing.  They should be able to post as much as they wish, within reasonable disk space, including:

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"Equal justice under law", the motto of the U.S. Supreme Court, used to mean for those who can afford it, or were well connected. With the inexpensive World Wide Web, now all people can have a voice. The internet brings the power of the press, which was exercised by newspaper Editors, to the people.

The Power of Collective Consciousness

George Orwell predicted in his book 1984 that there would be a "Big Brother" monitoring all people with advanced telecommunications and surveillance technology. He was partly correct.  Of course this would be a difficult task. As it turned out, with the expansion of the Internet, and increasing use of web cams, the citizens have that power. We are all the "big brother" to all our brothers, rather than one ruler, agency, or the state. The people keep watch over the people, at a "grass roots" level. The Vedas say that "Brahma has a thousand eyes." Brahma means that universal awareness which connects us all. This means Collective Consciousness, or greater public awareness, which is the greatest force for law and peace in our society.

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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

As the comic book hero, SpiderMan, discovered, with great power comes great responsibility.  As he spins his web to catch criminals, you can create a web site to bring wrongdoers to justice.  Within a few minutes work, you can reach millions of people.  But be sure to use this great power wisely and fairly.

Track Record of Success since 1995

It works.  Many successful projects and positive outcomes have been achieved for WebSiteJustice.com clients.  For a list of subjects, please email Webmaster@WebSiteJustice.com

The Power of Public Documents - Making Public Documents More Public

If you are wronged, it is always best to sublimate your energy into making your web sites.  Go through our legal system, and use intelligence, rather than doing anything barbaric or unlawful.   Mad at someone?  Give the gift that keeps on giving for centuries.  You may find it very liberating and inexpensive therapy.  You can "let go" and "move on" much more easily, knowing that the Web will always be working for you.

Posting public documents is your right, and particularly effective.  Perpetrators often think that no one will take the time to go to the court house to check them out.  You can learn more about our government's records in the process.  You can channel your anger and energy into developing computer and internet skills. As a spontaneous result, you will develop valuable business skills. 

If you are ever upset, you can put one's energy into registering the web site through Yahoo or other search engines, to maximizing the ease of finding it.  It is a highly profitable skill that is not easy, but well worth developing.  If you can market a service or product on the web, for example http://VideophonesForSale.com, you can surely increase your income.

Don't Get Mad - Get On Line - to Get Even

Special Note: If you are reading this and have ever been so mad that you want to hurt or do away with someone, please consider this.  Everyone is going die eventually anyway.  Right?  So wouldn't it be much better to have your subject continue to live in shame, while they can still care and learn a lesson?  Their name and reputation is what lives on.  Wouldn't it be worse for him or her, knowing that thousands a day for centuries will find out about whatever it was they did to you?  Don't you want your subject to experience every possible minute?  If this idea saves one soul, or prevents a crime, this site has done its job. 

Character Improvement

Making a web site is an alternative means for dispute resolution.  It provides a positive outlet for frustration.  You can refer people to the web site, instead of bending their ear.  Nothing explains situations better than a web site.  It is far more of a deterrent to expose the wrong act of the person, and motivate the person to improve his reputation. You can sit back and relax, knowing the web site is working for your 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.   Your satisfaction is in seeing the hit counter go up and up, as hundreds are reading it a day.  It is 100% legal and protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

We consider it a civil service to use internet skills to help protect the innocent. For example, two young ladies successfully  got their security deposit back from a landlord in Small Claims Court with the help of the information posted on their Tenant Association and state government web sites.  Prospective tenants at least have the chance to find out before they sign a lease.  Others successfully obtained a warrant for the arrest of a businessman who repeatedly failed to pay earned wages.  Prospective employees can run a search on his name before they sign an employment application.

A Note to Subjects

If someone has made a web site about you, you can always make one about them! We take no sides, as long as you are truthful.  We will be happy to help you set one up. We host over 130 web site domains and offer the fastest and best value for hosting. We highly recommend reserving domain names with your name or organization, especially .COM, .NET, and .ORG extensions, as soon as possible, before anyone else does. It is only $15/year to register a domain on our site.

How to Get Started

The next time someone makes you mad, don't hit him.  Get web site "hits" on his site.  Make a complimentary web site in his honor.  The steps are easy.
1. Go to http://www.Directnic.com/?cicorp and look up your subject's domain name
2. Register the domain name for just $15/year
3. Build the site (we can help) - contact us about our economic hosting plans, and training through Computer Instructors
4. Submit it to search engines - we can provide consulting in this area as well to make sure your site comes out on top, not an easy task.
It's great stress release, totally legal, a lot less than attorneys, and you may find it a lot of fun!  When you see the site at the top of Yahoo, it will take your frown, and bring a smile to your face.

Web Sites for World peace

We believe that the ability to create a web site, to post your ideas to the world, is a basic life skill for the new millennium. It is becoming as essential as arithmetic, reading and writing itself. Never since the dawn of man have people had such a powerful medium to make their ideas widely known. You literally can reach the whole world. The ability to write HTML pages is as liberating today as the ability to write on rocks or papyrus was to early man. 

We hope that this helps you to tell your side of the story and that any issues mentioned on the site are quickly resolved in a peaceful way. We encourage you to make your ideas known to the world. Thank you for helping enliven the highest ideals of democracy, a free society, and world peace.

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Make Web Sites, Not War

If you would like to create a web site, consulting fees vary, depending on your knowledge of the internet, web site design, and hosting.  Please write or email:

P.O. Box 71112
Washington, DC  20024
2 0 2 - 2 4 1 - 0 9 2 9

God will give me justice

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Write your congressman
about an Amendment to the First Amendment
to include the phrase "or the internet"

Links to Supported Sites

First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
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WebSiteJustice.com advocates an Amendment to the First Amendment, to read:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the internet; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. "

US Department of Justice Seal U.S. Department of Justice
wpe16.jpg (2257 bytes) U.S. Government web sites
www.fbi.gov FBI's Most Wanted - including Bin Laden
richmond.fbi.gov Unsolved murders in Virginia
firstgov.com Links to hundreds of U.S Government web sites
www.fraud.org National Fraud Information Agency
www.missingkids.com Missing Children
www.whitehouse.gov/homeland White House Office of Homeland Security

Links to Various Pro/Con, Association and Commercial Sites
We may or may not endorse these sites, but defend their right to post them.

American Civil Liberties Union wpe16.jpg (4407 bytes)
BogusUniversity.com Exposure of degree mills, neutralizing their benefit to spamsters
BrainFingerprinting.com A new technology for truth detection by Lawrence Farwell, PhD
BeachBully.org The Insult that Made a WebMaster Out of Mac
WrongfulConvictions.org wpeA.jpg (1293 bytes) Northwestern University, Center on Wrongful Convictions
GoldenDome.org Creating world peace through the power of collective consciousness

A Judicial Innovation for Holistic Offender Rehabilitation
utilizing the Transcendental MeditationŽ (TMŽ) Program

InjusticeLine.com Helping to inform the public of injustice happening in the courts
MUM.edu Consciousness based university in Fairfield Iowa
MUMbull.com A critical look at its promises and practices
PermanentPeace.org Averting terrorist tendencies before they rise to action
RickShaddock.com 1996 candidate for U.S. Congress, advocate of Amendment to 1st Amendment
Sthapatyaveda.org A critical, scientific look at promises of "lucky" architecture
Truth-Justice.org Foundation for helping the wrongfully accused afford forensics help
ComputerInvestigate.com Expert witness for computer related litigation
www.QuackWatch.com Exposing medical fraud, operated by Stephen Barrett, M.D
The Censorware Project (CWP)  
Seth Finkelstein's AntiCensorware Investigations  
Online Policy Group (OPG)  
Internet Free Expression Alliance (IFEA)  
Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC)  
Free Expression Network (FEN)  
Digital Future Coalition (DFC)  
www.eff.org Electronic Frontier Foundation

Links to Similar Sites - but not endorsed unless they adhere to our principles of fairness

JusticeWebSite.com Willy Petrein, Cergy, France - Make your own web site using your browser
WebAvenger.com Don Marzetta, San Francisco, California
WebKarma.com Varun Sonny Budhiraja, Chicago Illinois
WebJustice.com Christian Cojocneanu, Sunnyvale, California
WebJustice.org Pat Jensen, Nampa, Idaho
WebRevenge.com Matthew Dortch, Arlington, Virginia

Not Supported Sites

WebSiteJustice.com strongly opposes doing anything illegal. 
Nor does it support dirty tricks like those of the Committee to RE-Elect President (CREEP)
Nixon campaign staff member Donald H. Segretti, even
"Something with a bit of wit attached to it."
For that you can find many revenge oriented sites through Yahoo.
Ours is a site for positive motivation for improvement.

Web Site Feedback Form

For your information, as we feel it is your right to know, a new web site has been hosted, named:


As this site may involve your name or organization, we respect that, and offer you the opportunity to add, change, or delete information as you feel appropriate. We suggest that you post evidence or corroboratory testimony for changes or deletions. You are entitled to a link on the site, and can add as much as you wish by writing.

Please list the URLs (Web site pages, listed at the top of the browser) which you would like changed or deleted.







Use Additional Pages if necessary.
Please return by mail, fax, or email to:

P.O. Box 2816
Arlington, VA 22202
877-727-9070 Fax
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Webmaster: Judy, Gerard, Rick, James, Kristi

Special Website Adjudication Tactics
